Jurisdiction of the court to authorize a legal claim against a bankruptcy trustee

On October 23, 2023, the Superior Court of Québec confirmed in Propositon de consommateur de Gauthier 2023 QCCS 3997 that the court of competent jurisdiction in the judicial district where a bankruptcy or proposal was filed under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act has exclusive jurisdiction to hear a request to be authorized to initiate a legal claim against a bankruptcy trustee, pursuant to section 215 BIA. Pursuant to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the courts exercise a national jurisdiction, unconstrained by provincial boundaries, as established by the Supreme Court of Canada in Azco Mining Co. c. Sam Lévy & associés inc. 2001 CSC 92, which was pleaded by the same attorney from our law firm.

Reference : Proposition de consommateur de Gauthier 2023 QCCS 3997

Attorney involved : Me Jean-Philippe Gervais